Saturday, 26 July 2008

The moving planner

Well that's what I feel like my job is at the moment. It's like planning a shot-gun wedding (not that I 've had any experience doing that), but it feels a bit like we're getting married in 6 weeks time with all the different things that need to get options explored, quotes made, bookings made, addresses changed etc.

Surprisingly looking at all the stuff that I had on my to do list for the past week (well since lunchtime Tuesday when we knew we were definitely going), I haven't done too bad. We've organised a combined birthday party/farewell party; applied for Joanna's passport; renewed Peter's passport; got a roadworthy for the car, cleaned it, taken photos of it and put an ad on the internet to sell it; I've got appointments with a number of shipping companies next week coming out to give in-home quotes to pack and ship our stuff; we've set up this blog. The only thing that was on my to do list for this past week that I haven't done is organise cancellation of my gym membership, which I can easily do any day I go to the gym.

The things that can't be done yet that we are eager to have sorted are confirmed dates for our flights and the shipping of our stuff. Unfortunately flights have to wait until Peter and Joanna's passports arrive and shipping has to wait until we get the quotes next week and send them off to the company for them to choose which one to use (they are paying for it).

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