Wednesday, 10 December 2008


As most of you would know, Ben has a pretty good vocabulary for a 3 year-old. He is quite capable of pronouncing fairly complex words (and knowing what they mean, usually). A word like croissants he originally pronounced as "gazonks" (about 9 months ago), but he now says it correctly. However, there are some words that he seems to deliberately mis-pronounce. I'm not sure why... he just does.
Some examples that haven't been corrected (and my attempt at spelling what he says!):
olives = "ovverlees"
elephant = "everlint"
spaghetti = "bisgetty"
It's pretty easy to see where he gets them from (just swapping two consonants in each case). It's just kind of funny that he has persisted with these ones!
Anyway, we know what bisgetty and ovverlees are, so all is good!

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