Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Back to the gym...

I went to the gym and actually exercised today, for the first time in 6 weeks. Dealing with morning sickness and extreme tiredness means that for the past 6 weeks I have been dropping off the kids at the gym and then coming home again to rest for the duration of the session. But I'm starting to feel a bit more normal again and don't feel any worse tonight. I only did about 45 minutes of very slow cross trainer/recumbent bike - I didn't want to go too hard, just ease back into it.


Ally said...

You're doing better than me. I keep saying I should start up again, but haven't got round to it. Of course it doesn't help that i don't have a gym membership at the moment, so don't have the motivation of wasting money. In my favour however I do go for a 1/2hr walk nearly every afternoon.

Mel said...

I've also been doing 30min walking 3 days a week while I haven't been at the gym. Just walking to and from kindy for drop-off and pick-up (which includes pushing a pram).

Mel said...

Actually it's closer to 50min each kindy day. (Just did the maths a bit more accurately)