Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Cheats coffee ice cream

I need some coffee flavoured ice cream for a recipe I'm planning to make.  I looked at the supermarket yesterday and couldn't find any...even in the really expensive brands.  I have made coffee gelato from scratch before, but I don't have the time or an ice cream machine to make it at the moment.  But I thought of another way I could make my own (inspired by the 2nd last episode of the current season of MasterChef NZ):
1. Make 1 double shot of espresso and place in fridge to cool.
2. Take 1 litre of vanilla ice cream and soften.
3. Place ice cream in mixer and beat until soft enough to mix stuff into.
4. Add cooled shot of espresso and beat until just combined.
5. Place in container and freeze until needed.

I tasted the softened version and it has a nice coffee flavour.

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