- We went tramping to Waitawheta Hut just before Christmas. We had a lovely walk and a refreshing swim in the river near the hut.
- We went tramping to Mangetepopo Hut just after Christmas. It rained quite a lot overnight and our tents leaked. So we didn't stay for the second night as planned (we had planned to try and get up to Red Crater - that got cut back to just a walk up past Soda Springs).
- We had just over a week camping at Waikawau Bay in the northern Coromandel Peninsula. It's a beautiful beach with a lovely campground. (even if it is really really large - it's the biggest DOC campground in the country... apparently 1400 people were in there sometime between Christmas and New Year).
That's a very quick summary of some of the things we've been up to - those are the ones we have photos posted for anyway!