Thursday, 18 February 2010


Those mysterious lanes marked on the road with strange two-wheeled contraptions painted in them are actually NOT intended as any of:
  • space for cars to queue up in
  • space for cars to park
  • space for pedestrians to stand around in
  • space to nose into when turning onto Grey St
Strangely enough, they are occasionally used by cyclists. Who get slightly annoyed when the above happen.
PS: I do actually usually enjoy cycling to and from work... just every now and then motorists and pedestrians can be really annoying when they seem to assume that cyclists only live on Mars or something.


Ally said...

Maybe they come from a place like Oz & aren't used to cycle lanes. I still am getting used to not walking/standing in the cycle lanes in Denmark. I just forget that they are there.

Peter said...

Yep - it's the same here as in Oz. Because there's relatively few cyclists, people just don't look for them. I think a nice loud horn on the bike might be useful to get people used to looking for them :)