Thursday, 16 December 2010


Simone has just posted about here exercise plan for the holidays. Now my problem is, that I don't have a plan. I've had to suspend my gym membership for the school holidays, as although Naomi and Joanna can still go to the creche, I have no options for Ben.

My ideas for exercising over this time includes going running, doing some weights (we have a couple of 5kg dumbells at home), and maybe some pilates too (mat work, which I also have a resistance band to increase intensity with). I also got some 'Playground pump' cards at the start of the year (I haven't used them yet), which I'm thinking I can take the kids to the park and do some exercise while we are there (although this requires either a quiet park or a certain amount of confidence to do it in front of other adults).

Running will have to be done when somebody else is around to look after the kids, which will mean either early mornings or after they've gone to bed.

Weights and pilates mainly just require me prioritising time in my day to do it.

And doing the 'Playground pump' workouts, means organising to make trips to the park with the kids (which I'm sure they will love!).

Now I should sit down and actually plan when I'm going to do all this exercise I would like to do. Otherwise the 1st of February will roll around and I won't have done anything and will be feeling the effects really bad.

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