Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Washing machine fixed...

A little while ago I wrote about trying to fix our washing machine ourself...Well unfortunately that didn't work and yesterday I took the plunge and called the appliance repair people. Today they came and our bank account in now less $200 - for this we got a new drain pump (the old one had burnt out). And by getting it fixed now we have saved ourselves doing more damage and having to pay and extra $200 (as if we had left it, the burnt out motor can end up shorting and blowing up the electronic controls!). It was very quick and easy to fix and the repair guy said that our machine is a dream to fix - with the error codes it displays reducing the diagnostic work required and also it is a fairly simple machine parts wise - nothing too complicated. So now we will be able to cope with the demands of washing clothes for a household of 10 for the next couple of weeks!

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