Thursday, 16 December 2010

Hamilton is not boring!

After a sunny, hot day, with a maximum of 30.3 degrees yesterday, today is a cool, cloudy and rainy 19.8 degrees (forecast to get to 22). Which I actually don't mind, as it meant I was about to get out in the garden this morning and do some much needed weeding (and hopefully some planting this afternoon sometime). It has been too hot recently to do any gardening during the day, only being suitable to be outside after the kids are in bed, by which time I'm feeling tired, with no energy for gardening. So the salad garden has finally been weeded and half mulched (to reduce the number of weeds which return), and some more salad greens seeds planted. I had been hoping to have an abundant supply of salad greens for Christmas, but I think I might have left planting them too late (which I kind of knew when I initially planted it, it happened a couple of weeks later than what I intended due to being busy/sick/tired etc.)

1 comment:

Peter said...

What does this have to do with Hamilton not being boring? Just wondering...