Monday, 8 August 2011

Have you ever been shown up by you kids?

Yesterday's kids church lesson was about 'The 10 lepers'...for craft they made a cool paper bag mask with sticker dots all over it for the 'leprosy'. Ben decided yesterday that he was going to take it to school today for 'show and tell', as well as using it for as the inspiration for his story writing for today. He made the comment this morning that he was thinking about what he was going to write, so I took the opportunity to ask him what he was planning to write, here is what he said...

"Yesterday at kids church we had the story of the 10 lepers. Jesus made them well again. One came back and said "thankyou"."

I admire his clear, simple explanation and willingness to share his spiritual learning with both his teacher and his classmates. I'm thankful to God that he has the courage and belief in the truth of what the Bible says. Also his natural, easy way of talking about Jesus with those he sees each day, is a small reprimand to me...why don't I talk more about the things I teach at kids church, am learning in the Bible, my christian life/faith in general with the people I see each day/week. It doesn't need to be complicated, long, deeply theological, just simple and truthful.

I am looking forward to hearing how he went this afternoon/evening.

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