Saturday, 12 November 2011

Strange chooks...

Yesterday we got 3 eggs.  Two of them were normal size ("large" as they'd be called in the supermarket).  One of them was tiny... smaller than any chicken egg I've ever seen before.  We've had soft-shelled eggs, slightly mis-shaped eggs, but never anything like this.  We're yet to crack it open and see if it has a miniature yolk as well!


Ally said...

From my experience & knowledge of chooks & eggs from Tom's parents, the miniture egg will be from one of your pullets. Usually happens though when they first begin to lay.

Peter said...

Yeah - that's why it was so strange. They've all been laying for a good few months now. I did crack it open yesterday - the "yolk" was a funny little grey thing. Looked pretty disgusting actually. Needless to say, I didn't consider eating it...