Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Trying to get life in order

This last quarter of the year always seems so crazy, busy and I always feel like I'm one of those circus performers frantically trying to keep all the plates spinning on the sticks!

Naomi moved into a big bed on the weekend, which involved not just setting up a new bed (for Ben, not her), but Naomi and Ben swapping rooms, which meant swapping over all their stuff too! This still isn't completely finished as some of the stuff that Naomi had in her old room was actually baby stuff that we aren't using any more anyway and need to get rid of (either selling or giving away).

Which brings me to the two towers (each 4 huggies nappy boxes tall) of clothes the Ben and Naomi have grown out of which need selling.

I am also in the process of organising Ben's 6th birthday party - it's an adventurer theme. I got the invitations out yesterday and have 19 days until the party!

My parents arrive in 10 days to stay with us, which involves the usual tidying/reorganising to fit and extra 2 adults in the house (ie. moving the 2 towers of clothes boxes).

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