Monday, 22 June 2009

Cleaning marathon...

We had real estate inspection today, so needed to tidy the house a fair bit as things were in a bit of a mess after last week (as toys couldn't live in their normal places in the playroom because it was being the guest room). Anyway my major task was tidying up all the stuff off the carpet (with the kids help) and vaccuming it all. Well I only managed to get 1/4 of the house done before they turned up for inspection - but continued to do the rest of the house after, as I wanted it to be all tidy and clean again. After I'd finished that job, I then wiped down all the kitchen cupboards - I'd been wanting to do this for ages too, but never got around to it. Ben helped with the bottom ones and then I had to get on a chair to do the top cupboards. It looks so much better now. Anyway, this meant I ended up cleaning from 8.15am (straight after breakfast) until 12.45pm (when it was time to stop and have lunch).
I then had to go grocery shopping this afternoon. And now I feel exhausted and have a sore back (which doesn't hurt if I'm sitting in my nice comfy recliner - which is what I'm doing right now).

1 comment:

Ally said...

My it seems the nesting has started already. Mine hasn't kicked in yet. Just the thought of cleaning the kitchen (which does need doing) makes me tired. I'm pooped by the time I've swept the floors. Then again at least you aren't doing it in the heat. It's been over 25 degrees here.