Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Running... the next goal

After managing to complete the Rotorua Marathon last month (just), I've had close to a month's break from running to try and let my knee recover. I think it's now had long enough, so I've decided to try and start running again.
Only trouble is, we're now definitely in winter here... which means cold and dark in the mornings. Never mind, I went for a run this morning - it was -2C. Frosty. Getting out of bed is a bit of an effort, but just as well I don't really mind running in the cold.
The target: Taupo Half-marathon. My goal is to run a decent time (yet-to-be-decided... definitely faster than my 1h51min PB, but not sure how much faster just yet!). I'm not sure that Taupo in the middle of winter is the best time to attempt such a thing though - if the weather looks like it's going to be bad that weekend, I might give it a miss and try the Hamilton Half instead... at least the weather should be better by then.

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