Thursday, 23 July 2009

Where have I been?

If you've been wondering about my blog silence this week...Joanna has been sick, a wheezing cough thing. Went to the Dr on Tuesday arvo, he said it's a bug that is going around at the moment ('all the kids have it') and that it was probably going to get worse before it got better (just the words I wanted to hear - not). Gave me a prescription for antibiotics, steroid and paracetamol. Started her on the antibiotics yesterday (and steroid) and today she seems a lot better (so it didn't actually get worse, just stayed the same for a couple of days before improving). The best thing about it - I didn't have to pay a single cent for any of the medical stuff (Dr and drugs)!

(while I was at the Dr I also got a flu jab - Joanna liked the idea of Mum getting a needle for once instead of her)

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