Friday, 16 October 2009

Lost and found...

Lost a library book 'Spot goes camping' back in August. I looked everywhere for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. This was very frustrating as library books don't leave the house, so I couldn't understand why I couldn't find it. So before we went back to Brisbane we had to pay the library for the book - about $18 (I found it rather annoying having to pay money for a book that we don't get to keep). Anyway, was changing the sheets on Ben's bed the other morning and there it was sitting on the slats in between the base and the mattress! Some little boy had obviously crawled under the bed (as he sometimes does to play) and 'posted' the book between the slats and forgotten about it (under his bed had been one of the places searched on numerous occasions). We didn't know what the library policy was if you found and returned a book after you had payed the replacement fee. The final outcome/good news is they accepted the found book and refunded the replacement fee! And now under the kids mattresses will go on the list of places to look for lost books.

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