Wednesday, 20 January 2010

I'm back!

Went back to the gym for the first time since Naomi was born. There are a few reasons why it has taken me 12 weeks to get back into it (Naomi is 12 weeks old tomorrow!).
  1. I couldn't go for the 1st 6 weeks as babies have to be 6 weeks old before they can be looked after in the creche.
  2. Peter's parents arrived just after Naomi was 6 weeks old and so we were away on holidays.
  3. Then it was Christmas/New Year so creche at the gym shuts down for a couple of weeks
  4. My membership expired during this time, so I had to wait until the office girls got back from holidays (which was on Monday), so that they could figure out what to charge me (it gets complicated with the kids and creche and Ben starting morning kindy in a couple of months).
It was great to be back - everybody was excited about seeing Naomi (benefit of belonging to a small gym - the people (employees and fellow members) are all really friendly and familiar with each other. I'm looking forward to the exercise giving me more energy, making me less stressed and giving me a short break from the kids.

1 comment:

Ally said...

Can you inquire if & what it would cost to join you while we're there? It would possibly be just me, but could you also see what it would cost if we were to put Josh in creche & both go.