Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Advent planning

Now that birthday season is over, I have time to start organising stuff for our annual Advent/Christmas traditions. A lot of these traditions we only started last year and plan to continue this year. So what have I been up to:
- buying gifts and thinking of other special activities to use in our Advent calendar
- we went as a family to select our Christmas tree (but got to the Christmas tree farm to find out we are too early getting it organised this year - they don't open for another 2 weeks!)
- I've bought ingredients to make Christmas cake and rum balls (to both eat ourselves and give away as gifts to our friends and neighbours)
- Gathering some supplies and ideas for christmas decorations

What I need to do in the next couple of weeks:
- construct the advent calendar
- select the christmas tree (when the tree farm opens!)
- make the Christmas cakes and rum balls
- make and put up christmas decorations
- plan Christmas day menu
- borrow a selection of Christmas books from the library and collect up all our Christmas books to put in the Christmas book box so that they are easily on hand for the month.

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