Monday, 8 November 2010

Dissecting a marathon

A few months ago, I got myself a Timex Ironman watch, which does all sorts of cool things. The main reason I got it is that it lets me store up to 75 "laps", which means I can record my km splits during a race, assuming I manage to see the km markers as I'm going past. What that means is that I can work out at what point I start to fade during a race, and work at keeping a more even pace. Anyway, last week's marathon was the first time I've got to use it in a race... I managed to record 23 "laps", some of which were obviously more than just a single km because I missed the markers. A plot of the km splits is pretty cool though (just splitting the times evenly where I missed the markers):
It's interesting to note:
  • The first few km were a little slow, as would be expected, because of the crowds of people at the start.
  • Between about 12 and 15km is the Harbour Bridge, which is probably the hilliest part of the course, so I'm guessing that's why that's a little slow
  • 34km must have been about when I got really tired!
  • I managed to hold it together relatively well - the small amounts of walking I did don't really show up that much, which means I must have still been moving at a sort-of reasonable speed.
I'm happy with it, anyway!

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