Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Enjoying the sun

We have been enjoying the sunny, fine start to our school holidays. I've been conscious of getting the kids outside to play as much as possible as the wet weather is suppose to return towards the end of this week. My garden is also thankful for the fine weather during school holidays where I have more time to do stuff. I've weeded 2 of the garden beds (there are stacks of weeds in them as I haven't weeded since I planted the winter vegies - either the weather has been wet or I haven't had the time), each taking me 1.5 - 2 hrs to weed and I've filled 1/3 - 1/2 of our garden waste wheely bin with weeds. I also have planted some spinach, bok choy and sugar snap pea seeds to germinate inside in the warmth before I plant them out in the garden, so we hopefully have stuff to eat in spring before it gets warm enough for the summer veggie crop.

I've also done some painting - we're revamping an wardrobe we bought 2nd hand from the slavos (or sallies as the kiwis call them) just after we got married. We are painting it the same colour as the built in wardrobe doors, so they look like they go together in the room (they both have slatted doors). I did the first coat yesterday, but we've run out of paint so I'm going to have to go to the hardware store this morning and buy another tin before doing the second coat (we also need more to paint window frames and doors etc.).

Also got a guy to come do a quote on installing our new stove (gas man). He hasn't emailed us the numbers yet, so can't do any more about that at the moment.

This morning is a shopping morning:
  • Mitre 10 - for paint and ducting for range hood
  • Salvation army op shop - because I go with the girls during the term and Ben asked if we could go in the holidays so he could come too (they have a box of free soft toys that the kids like to pick one and bring home)
  • Spotlight - to look for supplies for joanna's party (cake decorations)
  • Nosh - again half because I go with the girls during term and Ben has never been so would like to see it (plus they have free cheese tasting) and I also need to buy some meat and stuff there.
  • The if we have time I'm going to stop at one of the kids favourite parks on the way home for them to play before getting home in time for lunch.

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