Sunday, 18 January 2009

Cooking with the kids...

On Friday afternoon Ben asked "Can we make something yummy for afternoon tea?" This is because we have been baking together semi-regularly since moving here. There are a number of factors which have motivated this:
- the age of the kids (Joanna is old enough to entertain herself and be left to do her own thing for long enough)
- the oven here works properly (as opposed to Lowanna St which burnt the bottom of everything before there was any hint of colour on top)
- the current season means there is lots of fresh berries about which are nice to put in baking
- not being as busy and therefore having some time free to bake

Anyway the kids really enjoy it - I think mainly because they get to lick the spoons and bowls and eat the end product of course.

1 comment:

appletopping said...

I know what you mean about the kids enjoying it. :)
Tho I still wish Andrew hadn't taught Jam the joys of getting the spoon. I now have a vulture any time i'm trying to bake (but Jam is getting better with getting the ingredients into the mixing bowl these days :))