Saturday, 17 January 2009

Toilet Training - take 2 (caution: parenting content)

I decided to attempt toilet training with Ben again this week (you would remember from previous posts that attempt 1 was aborted after 5 days of frustration). With it still being school holidays most of our usual activities aren't on at the moment, so we are less busy/more relaxed and are at home a lot more (ie. in close range to toilet). I am happy to say that it is going fairly well with most wee ending up in the toilet and not in his pants, although we still need to work on the poos (I know this isn't uncommon). Ben is very proud to be wearing undies like Daddy and has fun choosing which ones to wear (he has a selection of car and machine designs on most of them).

1 comment:

Peter said...

At least there's no photos accompanying this one... :)