Thursday, 3 December 2009

Mixed emotions...

I've been experiencing very mixed emotions today including:
  1. Sadness - because my parents have gone and I really enjoyed spending time with them and sharing my children (their grandchildren) with them and I am missing them.  Plus the kids really liked having them here and enjoyed spending time with them and are going to miss them too.
  2. Fear - I haven't had to deal with all 3 kids on my own doing the whole day to day routine since Naomi was born (my parents arrived 1 week after she was born, so Peter was still home until then).  So I know it is going to take a bit to adjust our routine a bit and get used to getting everything done in a day on my own.
  3. Excitement - About accomplishing all the daily tasks on my own without too much drama and also spending some time together as a family by ourselves.
  4. Loneliness - I've gotten used to constantly having other adults around the house during the day and therefore having extra adult company and conversation to normal. (hence the marked increase in the number of blog posts today - I guess)
I seem to frequently be feeling more than one of these emotions at any one time.  Mum and Dad melded so well into our family life/routine, doing lots of little things (and some big things) to help out, that most things I've done today (including doing the washing, making lunch for the kids etc.) have reminded me of them and hence stirred up the emotions I've mentioned.  It is great to have had such good family support (of the practical kind) for the past 5 weeks, but it is hard to go from that to totally nothing (not having any family living in NZ).


Scurrette said...

I can't imagine not having mum close, and since they are quite alike, I guess it would be pretty difficult to go from a full on house full of people to your own little family again. It will take time, but things will flow again.

Oh and the 3 kids on your own thing. I still get worried about dealing with them all on my own! It's getting harder now that the Bug is mobile - but it's manageable.

Melissa said...

I understand the apprehension of doing by yourself after having help since the birth. And I still have lonely days where the only adult contact I have is a quick chat at the check out or at school pick-up.
I hope you continue to get through each day. It must be hard knowing your extended family can't yet pop back for a visit easily.

Ally said...

Yeah it is hard, but I think it's really only just fully starting to hit me now. This past week I've really been struggling, ending it tears most days. I can't imagine having to deal with more than 1. But I guess it's much harder for you cause you don't have any family in NZ, at least I have Tom's mum I can go to sometimes. Though it's not the same as having your own mum I must say.

Anonymous said...

Yip, 3 kids is hard! I still feel paralysed about moving about on my own with 3...16 months on! You will find you can do some routine things easily and then seemingly simple things are insurmountable. I am told it does improve but have yet to really feel that! Get a baby carrier, Jon lives in ours and it definitely makes it a bit easier.