Monday, 29 March 2010
UPDATE: I've now processed a whole heap of photos, so here you go!
False start
The squealer...
Maybe I'll get the camera out one day and record a sound bite of it, for those of you who are interested.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Parent inflicted illness...
(Jean's post about caring for sick children has also made me more conscious about my attitude and behaviour towards the children when they are sick - I'm trying to let some of the day-to-day things slide so that I can be there for them more to read stories, give leg rubs - Ben actually requested it yesterday arvo, etc. Although there is only so much that can slide when you have a 5 month old baby to take care of as well.)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Monday, 22 March 2010
To Doctor, To Doctor...
Here is what I accomplished:
- I have restocked my supply of low dose and high dose antibiotics for my chronic tonsillitis (I managed to get a case of tonsillitis last weekend). I've also got a referral to the public system ENT here (I was on the waiting list in QLD to see and ENT for over 12 months before we moved here and never even got an appointment!).
- I have restocked my supply of asthma medication (including some good hard core prednisone) , so I can stop using my out-of-date ventolin (because that's all I had).
- I got my flu jab for the year (I can get it for free here because I have asthma).
Friday, 19 March 2010
The best pasta recipe ingredient...
I committed childcare's #1 sin today!
(It wasn't just me being totally brainless, it was connected to breakfast time - she'd asked for another slice of toast with peanut butter on it, but then a minute later she said she was all done without having taken a single bite of it. So I said she would have to eat it for morning tea - instead of the biscuits she normally gets - because it was a wasteful thing to do. And in the heat of the moment I didn't even think about the problem with it having peanut on it - it wasn't until we arrive home from the gym that it dawned on me!)
Thursday, 18 March 2010
It ain't summer no more
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
5 bad things about junkmail
2. It's bad for the environment - all that paper.
3. It makes you think you need to buy things because you see it in the catalogue, whereas you could easily live without it if you hadn't seen it.
4. It creates more work cleaning - all those catalogues lying around the house that need to be collected and put in the recycling.
5. You can't select which ones you receive and which you don't so you get lots of ones for stuff that you couldn't care less about.
5 good things about junk mail
2. Gives you a general idea of the cost of certain items, so when you are bidding for new or used ones on ebay/trade me, you know what is a fair/reasonable price.
3. Great for kids to cut pictures out of for collages.
4. Information is at your fingertips, instead of having to search online for store websites, hope they have an online version of their catalogue, and having to deal with annoyingly slow and cumbersome electronic catalogue displays.
5. Makes the mailbox feel useful (we don't get much actual official mail as most our bills we get electronically)
And then there was one...
Monday, 15 March 2010
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
As you might have figured from the previous post, we've managed to move into our new house. Things went pretty smoothly really - as smoothly as could be expected anyway. Plenty of people helped out with the cleaning and then moving - thanks everyone!
So, how's the house?
The Good:
- It's relatively clean now - thanks to lots of hard work from lots of people - thanks!
- It's not as noisy as we thought it might be. We're on a busy road, but it quietens down a lot at night, so in the first two nights there, we haven't really noticed it being particularly noisy.
- It's ours :D
The Bad:
- Ants. Lots of them. In the kitchen.
- Kitchen tap leaks. Just a little bit, but it isn't doing the kitchen bench any good...
- Too many little things to do... towel rails to get, window stays to fit, etc etc.
The Ugly:
- The kitchen smell. One of the pipes (I think it's the dishwasher wastewater outlet) isn't sealed at all, so we get a bit of a smell in the kitchen. Not that bad, but noticeable, to me anyway. I think I need to investigate and fix sometime. Along with the hundreds of other things to do...
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Before the rooster crows...
Last night was our first night sleeping in our new house. And while we were having breakfast this morning, we could hear the faint crowings of a rooster. Obviously somebody close by owns some chooks, but not our immediate neighbours - it wasn't that loud.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Little Miss No-girl
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
The waiting game...
Although I must admit I'm not overly excited as there is a lot of hard work cleaning to do in the next couple of days (before we move our stuff in) and I'm going to have to rely on others to do most of it as I shouldn't be doing too much with my back still recovering from injury.
Monday, 8 March 2010
The Silence to Come
With us moving house in a few days time, our internet will be transferred... there's a possibility of some downtime. Hopefully Mel will survive!
And hopefully it's only a day of downtime.
I've discovered TV on demand
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Race report - Rotorua half
I did the Rotorua half-marathon this morning... a much delayed attempt at another half (after intending to do Taupo in August, Hamilton in November...). I hadn't really done enough training, but went anyway. It's an off-road run through the forest, partly on forestry roads, partly on mountain-bike trails. I was attempting to improve on my not-particularly-impressive PB (from my one and only half-marathon race) of 1h51min.
The weather was perfect - partly cloudy, cool, and in the forest we were completely sheltered from a pretty stiff breeze. I'd managed to forget to bring a watch, so I had no idea what sort of pace I was going at - I thought I was on target, until I got to the halfway mark and found that about 57min30sec had alredy gone by... I was about 5min off where I'd really wanted to be! There was no way I was going to make up that much time, but I made a valiant effort - in the end I managed negative splits (second half faster than the first), but only by about a minute. So I had to make do with a 1h54min time. The course was certainly not overly easy, being off-road, and not particularly flat, but still, it would have been nice to go slightly quicker than that. Oh well, next time.
EDIT: Just checked the actual results on the website and discovered that my negative split was actually better than a minute... 2min30sec actually. Which is a reasonably substantial speedup. Just a pity I was speeding up from such a slow start...
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Camping with Dad...
Ben and Joanna were super-excited about going camping - they loved it. I left work slightly early on Friday afternoon and headed off then - we got there in time for dinner. The kids both had a good night - they slept well and didn't wake up early. We had the yummiest breakfast ever (according to Ben) and then headed off to Karangahake to go for a pleasant walk.
Back to the campsite for lunch and a rest, then we got to paddle in the river at the campsite before packing up and heading home. We had to stop in Paeroa for an ice cream on the way in an attempt to keep Joanna awake... I really didn't want her falling asleep and then not going to sleep until late at night!
Friday, 5 March 2010
It's getting close...
Now really need to get everything packed into boxes!
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Methinks Ben don't watch much TV
This evening, there was cricket on the TV (it only happens a couple of times a year, so I had it on!). Ben sat in front of it for a couple of minutes before it was time to go and have a bath. He decided that he'd watch "three more bowls". One ball and two replays later, he wanted to know "how to turn it off"
"As you usually do, the button on the front of the TV"
"But we need to stop it first!"
"No, it's on TV, so you don't need to stop it!"
"Yeah, the cricket is inside the TV, so we don't need to stop it"
Monday, 1 March 2010
Bending the rules...
I also am only allowed to sit for 15 minutes at any time and have exercises I have to perform every hour. So I am spending a lot of time lying on the floor and I need constant help to do most things.