Monday, 15 March 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

As you might have figured from the previous post, we've managed to move into our new house.  Things went pretty smoothly really - as smoothly as could be expected anyway.  Plenty of people helped out with the cleaning and then moving - thanks everyone!

 So, how's the house?

The Good:

  • It's relatively clean now - thanks to lots of hard work from lots of people - thanks!
  • It's not as noisy as we thought it might be.  We're on a busy road, but it quietens down a lot at night, so in the first two nights there, we haven't really noticed it being particularly noisy.
  • It's ours :D

The Bad:

  • Ants.  Lots of them.  In the kitchen.
  • Kitchen tap leaks.  Just a little bit, but it isn't doing the kitchen bench any good...
  • Too many little things to do... towel rails to get, window stays to fit, etc etc.

The Ugly:

  • The kitchen smell.  One of the pipes (I think it's the dishwasher wastewater outlet) isn't sealed at all, so we get a bit of a smell in the kitchen.  Not that bad, but noticeable, to me anyway.  I think I need to investigate and fix sometime.  Along with the hundreds of other things to do...

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