Sunday, 20 June 2010

Disco dancing 2010

Friday night was the annual Kindy disco. This year Ben dressed up as 'Captain Feathersword'; during the week Joanna had talked about going as a fairy, but when the crunch came to get dressed, she decided not to go in fancy dress.

I think we all felt a bit more comfortable this year, as well all knew more people than we did this time last year. And the kids had lots of fun dancing (Ben insisted that Peter get out on the dance floor and dance with him at the end) and mingling with the other kids. They also enjoyed their pizza and both bought a chocolate with their pocket money for dessert (it was their 'best thing' of the night). We all also bought a mystery bottle - here is what we ended up with:
Ben - Merlot
Joanna - Chardonay
Peter - sparkling red grape juice (non-alcoholic)
Mel - garlic oil
So Peter and I 'swapped' our bottles with the kids and everyone was happy.

"What about Naomi?"you ask. Well we took her with us, expecting her not to sleep and probably spend the evening in the Baby Bjorn. Instead, she was quite happy to sit in the stroller the whole time and did fall asleep there (only a little later than normal bedtime).

So that's how kindy disco went this year...on the way home I realised that we could possibly be attending the annual kindy disco for the next 4 years still (all depending on whether we are still living here for that long), so we aren't quite halfway yet!

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