Monday, 21 June 2010

Online shopping blooper...

As I have mentioned before, I love being able to do my grocery shopping online. But unfortunately, it does mean that there are a couple more point at which things can go wrong and the items I want are not what I get (actually more often than I think they should). Today I got my groceries delivered (instead of picking them up at the store) because I had received an email last week with a offer of 1 free delivery for being one of their most regular online shopping customers (I do it once a week). Anyway, in the process of unpacking them I discovered a bag of oranges that I hadn't ordered. It only took me a couple of seconds (while quickly scanning the rest of the fruit and veg) to work out my 'personal shopper' had not read my order correctly - I had ordered 2kg of orange kumera (sweet potato), not oranges. So I have rung up to alert them to this error and they have organised for the delivery person to come again tomorrow night to pick-up the oranges and drop off the orange kumera that I originally ordered.

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