Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Fragrance free...

For over a year now I've been using Eco Store laundry powder, which is fragrance free. Yesterday, a winter jacket I had bought off TradeMe for Naomi, arrived in the mail. When I opened it it had a really strong smell - the first thing that came into my head was 'mothballs'. But then I had another sniff and thought, maybe it isn't, although there was still a very strong smell (also going through my mind was the fact that sellers on TradeMe/Ebay are usually pretty pedantic about making sure the baby clothes are freshly washed in a well known brand of laundry powder - they use it as a selling point). Anyway, it still smelt a bit like mothballs to me, so when Peter got home, I got him to sniff it and he said that it was just laundry powder smell. Well if that is what laundry powder fragrance smells like, I'm never going back to one with an added fragrance - they stink!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yes I had forgotten how much fabric softener smelt until last week.

I had a couple of changes of E's clothes washed while away last weekend(vomiting incident). At least one top still smells of fabric softner after another wash.