Saturday, 26 February 2011

Salad garden update...

Well the short story was a flop.

The long story is...the shade it gets from the tree, that we thought would be an advantage in summer, is too much shade and it just all grew way too slowly. It has only been in the last couple of weeks that we have harvested some baby lettuce leaves from it - after planting the seeds in late November. Although it seems the weeds have had no trouble growing there and I haven't had time to weed it and ran out of mulch to help suppress them! And to put the final nail in the coffin for it, the gate got left open during the week (not sure if it was the kids or the gas meter reader - they have to open it to get access to the meter) and the chooks got in there and ate the little bit of tasty salad greens that we had! (It actually was quite interesting to see how they had been very selective and eaten the spinach - which wasn't even big enough for us to pick - out from in between a multitude of weeds).

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