Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Nice and cozy...

Yesterday, we finally finished installing the insulation in our roof. It feels good to have finished what has been a challenging task at times (squeezing into very small, tight spaces). And although we haven't had many really cold nights yet (and no really, really, cold nights yet), we have noticed on those nights, that the heaters in the kids rooms don't need to be turned up anywhere near as warm as we were having to last year to keep their rooms at 18C (we learnt last year that WHO states that inside living temperature for general health [with specific benefits to respiratory health and rest] is 18C and at the lowest 16C for any length of time.)

We've only just finished the stuff in the living/dining room ceiling so have yet to find out what we notice in relation to evening temperatures (when we're sitting around after the kids are in bed) or morning temperatures (when we first get up in the morning) after a cold night.

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