Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Bunk beds!

The beds that Ben and Joanna have been sleeping in since we moved here are designed as bunk beds, but we haven't been able to use them as such because we didn't have a ladder and bed rail for them. So, we had to come up with a plan: we didn't want to make holes in the beds by screwing something into them. A few weeks ago we happened to be at a furniture store and saw what one of their bunk beds did, to attach a bed rail, so we just copied the idea. And this is the result:
Ben and Joanna were both super-excited about sleeping on the bunk beds - Joanna wants her turn to sleep at the top and was rather disappointed to find out that she had to sleep on the bottom bed. She'll get to have her turn on top during rest time sometime...
I'll get around to varnishing them one day...

1 comment:

AJandLAB muttering said...

That's great! Looks to provide more safety than what we messed up.