Monday, 5 April 2010

Easter LONG weekend

As proud new home owners (and hence relatively poor ones) we have entered to phase of life where we spend our holidays working on the house (and spending money doing it) instead of spending money on going away for the holidays. The job this weekend has been 'repainting the window frames' (it is a condition of our loan that we have this done in the next 6 months because they were so bad), but we have realised that we aren't going to be able to totally finish it this weekend, so for a sense of accomplishment (so we can cross some things off the list - we're both that kind of personality) I guess I better break it down into the smaller tasks that we've done:
  • scraped paint off the window frames (3 extra large, 2 large and 1 small window) - am really over doing this is taking a very long time as there is at least 5-6 layers of paint on most of the windows that we have to strip back.
  • chiseled out old cracked putty from around windows
  • re-puttied windows - I was nervous about having a go at doing this job at first as it require a certain level of skill and there is pressure to do it right so it keeps the water out of the window frame so it doesn't rot. But I've done a few windows not and am actually enjoying doing it - it's the kind of thing that the more you do it, the better you get at it.
We had hoped to at least get a coat of primer on at least half the windows, but have learnt we have to wait at least a week for the putty to set before we can do that! So it looks like it will be taking at least another month before we get them all finished - we still have a whole wall of windows and glass doors on the deck side of the house to do. The urgency of it all is that we have to get it done before winter sets in because winter in Hamilton is cold and wet - not suitable for painting.

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