Thursday, 26 May 2011

Bike update

We now have 4 bikes with 5 helmets for 5 bike riders...And we have all ridden home from school/kindy once. Naomi was freaked out in her bike seat at first, but she has now gone on handfull of bike rides and is used to the way it feels and now enjoys going on bike trips with me. Joanna is still getting used to her new bike (an early birthday present as she was too big for her old bike), so is fairly slow, but I'm sure she will get faster with a little bit more practice (growing a little taller will also help!). It is great to be able to leave home only 5 minutes before school ends and still be there on time and not have to worry about finding a parking spot. The ride home is taking longer than it would to drive at the moment, but I envisage with a bit more practice we will get it down to being comparable to driving.

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