Monday, 2 May 2011

I'm back

Today, I did my first pump class in two and a half years. The last time did a pump class was back in Brisbane before we moved to NZ. There are some obvious reasons for having some time off - pregnancy and having a young baby. But I have also found going to a class at my current gym fairly intimidating - it is a small room with only 1 single door which means you enter into the middle of the room; most of the people who do the classes seem to know each other well and the instructor knows them; the number of people in the classes is really small (like today there was 7 people compared to the 20-30 people that were in the classes I went to in Brisbane); and they don't run my favourite class (BodyAttack) and also the class on one of the days I go is a boxing based one, which I'm not interested in at all. Before the holidays I had been thinking I would like to start doing some classes again as I know I do a more intense challenging workout in class than on my own. And it was raining today, so I couldn't go outside running and running on a treadmill didn't enthuse me, so I plucked up the courage and stepped into the fitness class room.

Seeing as I hadn't done a class for a long time I only put 4kg on my bar and used the same weight for all the sections. I think I will need to increase the weight for the legs next time, as well as for the biceps.

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