Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Where are the eggs?

We are still struggling with our egg supply - our new pullets are still not laying yet. Which means baking stuff is getting put on hold because there is not enough eggs - I wanted to make an apple and blueberry cake last night to use for Peter and the kids morning tea, but it needed 2 eggs and we only had 2; plus there is a Key lime slice that I have been wanting to make for about a month now (limes are currently in season here), but we never get enough eggs for me to make it (it need 4 eggs). To relieve this situation we have resorted to buying a carton of eggs now and then to get us through this time. Unfortunately Peter forgot to buy a carton on the way home from work yesterday (they were on special until last night), so I will have to wait until I go to the markets on Sunday to boost our supply. And I really hope these new chooks start laying soon!

1 comment:

Ally said...

From my experience with the chickens at Tom's parents it is necessary to suppliment your egg supply with bought eggs sometimes. They have around 10 chooks & often she will have to buy a carton of eggs (she does a lot of baking). Like you say it just depends on how much baking you do or would like to do.