Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Ready, Steady, Go...

On the weekend, I initiated the start of birthday party season for our family. Joanna's birthday isn't till the middle of August, but I have learnt that it is best if I start thinking/planning/gathering stuff now. If you've read this blog in previous birthday seasons, you will know that I really enjoy the creative side of planning kids birthday parties. Joanna has decided she will like a fairy birthday party this year. She had and angel/fairy party for her 2nd birthday, but she was a little young then to really remember it and although I might use a couple of the food ideas again, I'm going to go with a more fairy garden theme for the decorations and will also have some kind of fairy activities this time too. Time to get inspired...


Ally said...

I have also started thinking about Josh's. It's a toss up between a train theme or a Bob theme.

Mel said...

I don't like parties to have a commercial/merchandise focus, so I'd go for a 'construction' theme rather than a 'Bob' theme. We did a 'construction' themed birthday party for Ben's 2nd birthday.