Thursday, 27 May 2010

One cheeky chook!

Since the weekend, we now let our chooks 'free range' every day. I don't like them to be wandering about when I'm not home, so I don't let them out until I get back from my morning activities. But two times this week now, I have come home to find one of our chooks wandering around the yard, while the other three are still inside the chook run. The only way that this cheeky chook could have got out is by flying, as there are no gaps in the chook wire for her to get out, plus if it was as easy as that, I would expect all four of them to get out. So thanks to once cheeky chook it looks like that this weekend I'm going to add another skill to my 'skill set'...all four chooks will be taking a trip to the Waldeck's grooming salon and be getting their wings clipped! (I wonder if that would look good on my resume if I ever go back to teaching :)

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