Monday, 2 March 2009


It's a way of composting all food waste. All it requires is a Bokashi bucket and some compost zing. These are the reasons I love it:
  • It takes more types of food waste than you can put in your normal compost bin. All leftover food (raw or cooked), meat and fish (raw or cooked), bread products, dairy products (except milk).
  • The bucket is small enough to fit in the kitchen so it solves the problem I had with traditional composting - I'm great at collecting the scraps in the kitchen, but hopeless at getting the scraps from the kitchen out to the compost bin in the backyard. I just collect it all in the little container I used to and then chuck it all into the bokashi bucket at night after dinner.
  • It is quicker than traditional compost technique - only has to sit for 7-10 days after filling it, until it is ready to dig into the garden.
  • The liquid byproduct is a natural drain cleaner (just pour it straight down) and liquid fertiliser for my veggie garden (when diluted). So I get to save money not just on compost, but on fertiliser and cleaning products.

1 comment:

Ally said...

Sounds good. I have the same problem as you, very good at collecting the scraps in the bucket, but not so good at taking it out to the compost. I also like the idea that it only takes a short time until you can use it. For as I've told you before our compost pile seems to take a long time to compost.