Saturday, 11 October 2008


Either its doughy, dry, or non-filling. I'm still in the process of finding a loaf of bread that we like, that is at a reasonable price. We started out with the cheapest loaf and I've been slowly been working my way up the price range. I haven't totally given up, but have had thoughts about getting a second hand bread maker and trying to make it myself (although I don't want a huge initial outlay to then discover I don't have the time or something). The latest loaves I have bought are the 'Signature Range' from Foodtown - I'm hoping they use the same recipe as Woolworths 'Select' bread as this is what we used to buy (Foodtown sells the same 'Homebrand' goods as Woolworths - same packaging).


appletopping said...

So... did you find some bread you liked? :)

Mel said...

I think Woolworths 'signature range' bread (same as 'select' brand in oz) is going to be what we eat for now.