Friday, 3 October 2008

So how's the weather?

We knew when we left Brisbane, that Hamilton would be a bit cooler... so what has the weather been like? Well, I've been here a month now, so I can give you a summary. For the month of September, Hamilton had:
- a minimum temperature of 1C (I rode in to work at that temperature. It was cold. Really cold.)
- a maximum temperature of 19C.
- Average minimum of 7C.
- Average maximum of 16C (or was it 17C?)
- 82mm of rain.
Coming from Brisbane and looking at that, you'd think it was really cold and miserable. But it hasn't been really. When the sun is out, it really feels quite warm - even if it is only 15C. The weather is also pretty variable - completely clear days have been rare, as have completely cloudy and rainy days. Which I don't mind!
One of my colleagues commented today about how he's been enjoying it being warm recently. I wouldn't go quite that far, but I haven't been finding it particularly cold!

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