Sunday, 19 October 2008

cooking with gas...

I get to cook over the weekend - I don't usually get home in time during the week to be able to cook. So I take the opportunity over the weekend to cook stuff that I like to cook. We also got a gas bottle during our trip to Bunnings yesterday, so I thought it was time for a barbecue. And this country is pretty civilized - all the supermarkets stock boerewors! So, here's dinner:

South Africans among you would recognize that bag of chips next to the BBQ... the supermarket down the road from us stocks Nik-Naks as well. Ahhh... bliss. :)


Ally said...

Yes Peter I know what it's like when you find something from your home country...very exciting. I miss the great Aussie BBQ. Over here they just have grills (like the right side of yours)So while that's ok for sanges & steaks it makes pancakes, hashbrowns, fried onion & the like a little difficult.

Mel said...

What do they use for the fuel for the grills in Denmark - charcoal, wood or gas?