Monday, 13 October 2008

Fleas be gone...

When I first got back from Oz to our new house I got a few bites and just thought it must have been midges or mosquitoes as the windows don't have screens. But I kept getting more and they were always where clothing was covering and the bites were in little clusters. A day or so later I saw a little black thing in Joanna's hair (easy to see when she has such white blonde hair), not having ever had pets I didn't know exactly what a flea looked like, so just mentioned my suspicion to Peter. A day or so later I found another one while Peter was home and he confirmed that yes it was a flea. So we rang the property manager and the pest guy came out today and sprayed the carpets. So hopefully that is the last we see (or feel) of the fleas. (The weird thing about it all was I was the only one that was getting bitten, I haven't found a single bite on either of the kids and Peter only got bitten once!)

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