Thursday, 19 February 2009

Joanna's first swimming lesson

Joanna had her first ever official swimming lesson today. It went really well, she had lots of fun. It turns out that one of the girls from playgroup is in the same class, so it was nice to have a familiar face. I am also starting to realise that Joanna has a bit more of a carefree streak in her personality (Ben is a bit more cautious/wary), which means she is more willing to try new things. She loves getting her face wet and doesn't mind going under the water, although she still hasn't got the concept of blowing bubbles (Joanna's version of 'blowing bubbles' is to open her mouth and stick her tongue out into the water, a bit like a dog lapping up water).
Ben was also very well behaved, entertaining himself by the side of the pool while Joanna and I were busy with the swimming lesson (there is a little play area with some toys to help entertain toddlers who are waiting). Hopefully a space will become available for him soon, so he can start swimming lessons too.

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