Monday, 2 February 2009

Mountain of washing...

This is the mountain of washing that I had to scale this afternoon. Now before you start thinking how grotty and disgusting this sounds, let me advise you that it was all clean washing. You see I don't have a problem with getting the dirty clothes in the washing machine (this happens every morning just after I get out of bed), out on the line to dry, or brought back in once they are dry. The bug in my flowchart/system is when it comes to putting the clean clothes back away in the cupboards. My initial fix to this bug is to try and get Peter to do it, but he usually claims not to know where the clothes live. So apart from putting away his own clothes (which he is good at doing if I've sorted them out into piles (Mine, his, Joanna's + Ben's), I usually am left to do the rest.
Today I got help from the kids - Ben took an interest in helping sort the clothes into the piles, so Joanna wanted to be involved too (of course). And Ben even went a step further carrying his pile of clothes to his room and putting away his undies all by himself and then his singlets and socks with some help/direction. There wasn't enough time to put all my clothes away and Peter still has to put all his away, so the mountain hasn't been conquered for today, yet.

1 comment:

Ally said...

My bug is getting the clothes off the line. Especially in winter when they just hang on airers in the house. Tom usually ends up getting sick of them & puts them away.