Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The year is starting...

By definition the year may begin on the 1st of January, but for most of us with young kids, I don't think the year really begins when kindy/school and related activities begin. Today was the 1st Playgroup for the year for us, which means a return to the weekly post with the Playgroup craft of the week. The kids really enjoyed going and were quite happy to go off and play as soon as we got there. As you can see the craft for this week was decorating fish. There is shell pieces and glitter glued to the fish (if you couldn't work out what it was from the little picture). Btw...Joanna's is the top one (she likes using lots of glue, hence lots of stuff stuck) and the bottom is Ben's (he had a bit more a minimalist approach).

1 comment:

appletopping said...

awesome craft! I tried to do stuff with Jam, but he keeps putting the pom poms/stickers on, then pulling them off again. *sigh* ;)